CHS Uniform Procedures
Our school uniform procedure has been overwhelmingly endorsed by our Parents and Citzen Associaton, Student Representatve Council and Staff. The procedures align to the DoE Behaviour Code for Students and our school uniform plays an important role in CHS’s positve image in the community. We urge all students to abide by our uniform procedures and benefit from its many benefits.
We believe that wearing the school uniform aligns to The Cessnock Way – ENGAGED, RESPECTFUL, SAFE and that it is important for the following reason:
• It helps promote a sense of belonging for students and creates a positve identty for the school community.
• It contributes to the personal safety of students and staff by allowing easier recognition of students inside the school and in the community.
• It demonstrates a student’s willingness to bee part of the school community and their acceptance of students’ rights to a safe learning environment.
We trust that you and your child will support our uniform code and respect he endorsement of the uniform guidelines by our school community.
All Cessnock High School uniform items can be purchased from Flanagan’s Cessnock.
If a student is unable to purchase uniform items, they can access financial support by seeing Mr Eaton, Head Teacher Wellbeing who will gladly and discreetly assist.
Wearing of non-school hoodies, jackets, jumpers, tights/leggings or pants is not acceptable, and students out of uniform are expected to bring a note justfying the reason and are required to rectify the issue by purchasing or seeking support to access correct uniform.